Eyes & lips

Eyes & lips

Eyes can have various shapes and forms. Cat like, round, almond shaped, with or without a crease. The arch of the eyebrow usually corresponds to the outer edge of the iris. A simple rule is that the distance between the two Eyes shall be as wide as one eye. The mouth about the same size or slightly bigger. Look at the lines on the right and how the facial features are ar- ranged and correspond to each other. This is not a random occurrence but based upon principles that determine the beauty of a face. As many oth- er things the beauty lies in proportions and even- ness. Take a look at the various sketches of eyes and lips and you will see how just little variations change the look. Especially for the lips. For mas- culine faces we try to keep the lines simple and light where as for feminine face we can accentuate  them . especially the eyeliner area.

Monday 8 September 2014

Eyes & lips

Eyes & lips

Eyes can have various shapes and forms. Cat like, round, almond shaped, with or without a crease. The arch of the eyebrow usually corresponds to the outer edge of the iris. A simple rule is that the distance between the two Eyes shall be as wide as one eye. The mouth about the same size or slightly bigger. Look at the lines on the right and how the facial features are ar- ranged and correspond to each other. This is not a random occurrence but based upon principles that determine the beauty of a face. As many oth- er things the beauty lies in proportions and even- ness. Take a look at the various sketches of eyes and lips and you will see how just little variations change the look. Especially for the lips. For mas- culine faces we try to keep the lines simple and light where as for feminine face we can accentuate  them . especially the eyeliner area.